Sexual abuse of children is not usually reported, and victims in many cases do not receive support and treatment. Therefore, the prevention of sexual abuse is the most effective means to deal with this phenomenon. Teaching children is the most important preventive strategy in this area.
As this issue is very sensitive and taboo in Iran, we designed a package for children between 7 to 9 years old. The aim of the project is to educate children on how to protect themselves from sexual abuse and how to report abuse.
Nazanin Einolyaghin was born in 1980 in Iran, Tehran.
Having won a Chevening Scholarship, Nazanin has a MSc in Education, Power, and Social Change at Birkbeck College, University of London. Nazanin earned a BA in Social Work at Allameh Tabatabaei University in Iran.
She has primarily worked with underprivileged children in need of care and protection, children in conflict with the law with local and international NGOs.
She has worked for UNICEF for nearly seven years and she is the founder of Atman Social Work Clinic and works in the area of child protection in Iran mainly related to violence against children.
Proteknôn is derived from two Greek words: "in front of" and "child". As our name implies, we are senior child protection researchers and practitioners, focused on what children are facing, especially as it relates to their care, protection and wellbeing. In order to do this, we are committed to learning from and with girls and boys, of all ages, backgrounds and capacities.
For more information: www.proteknon.org