This is the home of a state of the art conference on sexual violence against children with an evidence-informed, equity-lens.
On 18 - 21 Sept 2017, Proteknon released12 pre-recorded presentations that examine sexual violence against children according to a set theme or track. These tracks included: disability, boys, emerging trends and systems building. Presentations were prepared by fellow child protection practitioners and academics.
These 12 presentations were also complimented by
daily LIVE Q&As with featured presenters.
List of Presentations
Track 1: Sexual Violence and Disability
Addressing age, gender and disability as dynamic factors of vulnerability in the prevention and response to sexual violence against children in Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi"
by Nidhi Kapur
"Responses to sexual violence against children with disabilities
in South African townships"
by Dr. Jean Elphick
"Dangerous girls and cheating boys:
Zulu-speaking disabled young peoples’ constructs of heterosexual relationships in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa"
by Dr. Paul Chappell
Track 2: Sexual Violence and Boys
"Caring for boys affected by sexual violence:
Tentative findings from a scoping study"
by Camilla Jones
Survival sex & sexual exploitation of Children on the Move in Greece"
by Suhail Abualsameed
"Same sex peer on peer sexual violence and protection"
by Rabia Gungor
Track 3: Sexual Violence and Emerging Trends
"Modern slavery of children in humanitarian settings:
Tentative findings"
by Huda Ghalegolabi
"Exploring the role of voodoo in the sex-trafficking of girls
from Nigeria to Europe"
by Dr. Ana Dols García
"Prevention of sexual abuse among vulnerable children in Tehran,
Iran (boys and girls seven to nine years old)"
by Nazanin Einolyaghin
Track 4: Sexual Violence and Systems Building
"Access to justice for girl victims of sexual violence"
by Dr. Laurene Graziani
"Child sexual abuse and the multidisciplinary team response:
Strengthening the capacities of the criminal justice sector"
by Professor Susan Kreston
"Protecting children from sexual violence through financing and
tracking child protection expenditures"
by Bob Muchabaiwa
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Proteknôn is derived from two Greek words: "in front of" and "child". As our name implies, we are senior child protection researchers and practitioners, focused on what children are facing, especially as it relates to their care, protection and wellbeing. In order to do this, we are committed to learning from and with girls and boys, of all ages, backgrounds and capacities.
For more information: www.proteknon.org